What is a Skills Test or Freelancer Exams?
Freelancer Skills Tests/Exams are short tests you can take to certify your skills to potential employers at freelancer.com and upwork.com/odesk. Employers review your skills when awarding projects and having skills tests will increase your chances of getting awarded at the both platforms. Freelancer Exams Academy online experts will help you to clear Exams and certification help for freelancers [freelancer.com] & [upwork.com].
Once you’ve taken a test or clear respective exam, you’ll get a badge on your profile that shows you’ve passed that test. The dots on the bottom of the badge indicate what level test you have taken in freelancer case. upwork have peak level test/exams.
Let’s start your freelancer career with Freelancer Exams Academy.

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Let your results speak for you
Fill your profile with badges showing off your skills and catch the eyes of our employers. actually this is called freelancer exams to get more job or projects.
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Freelancers who complete a certification earn 50% more
By completing a certification you can expect to earn 50% more per year than your competitors.
Certified Freelancer
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- June 17, 2016
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Freelancer PHP Test Answers
This Freelancer PHP Test Answers. Its completed by freelancer exams academy php expert and as you can see the below screenshot we have got 100% result with top 1 position. this is cool! you also can get the same result.